Our supplements and hand-succussed homeopathic medicines provide effective symptom relief, restore healthy organ/system function, and address the underlying cause of dysfunction. Products are grouped into four primary categories:
Condition & Symptom Remedies Get Relief Fast. Recruit the body's natural mechanisms by introducing micro-doses of herbs or other ingredients that would cause similar symptoms at larger doses.
Supplements Tackle Deficiencies. Supplements provide macro doses of vitamins, minerals, herbs, glandulars, and other nutrients. They are one part of a complete treatment plan.
Organ & System Remedies Address the Underlying Issue. Organ & System remedies include homeopathic attenuations of organs, neurotransmitters, and herbs all carefully selected to energetically stimulate and restore.
Allergens, Pathogens, & Toxins Target Outside Invaders. These remedies include homeopathic attenuations of the very substances contributing to your patients’ symptoms. They help the body mount or regulate an appropriate response to foreign substances.